Press Releases for alcohol

  • 572

    DC Addiction Recovery Clinic Discusses Functioning Alcoholics

    Aquila Recovery Clinic, a Washington, DC addiction recovery clinic, has recently released a new article that discusses the topic of functioning alcoholics.

    By : Aquila Recovery| 11-09-2020 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 572

  • 1253

    How YoungLife helps Ty start from a FULL cup

    FULL The Show is the newest imprint of the business strategist, online marketing trainer, success coach and social media expert-Tina Brinkley Potts.

    By : | 06-02-2014 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1253

  • 892

    LA Addiction Specialist Assures Alcohol Free Better Life through Customized Private Sessions

    Dr. Kern is a clinical psychologist & addiction specialist who offer one to one customized private consulting sessions for effective alcohol addiction control

    By : | 05-13-2013 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 892

  • 860

    Habit Doc Provides an “Almost-Do-It-Your-self-guided” Approach to Control Drinking & other Habits

    On your journey to a better life, consider a Habit Doc Consultation. A one-time meeting offers you a brand new way to overcome the obstacles, with an “ALMOST-Do-It-Your-Self-Guided Approach”

    By : | 02-25-2013 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 860

  • 998

    TestCountry Expansion into United Kingdom Shows Consistent Growth

    Increase in Smartphone Use Prompts Addition of Mobile Site

    By : | 10-04-2011 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 998

  • 922

    Scientists detect ‘legal high’ in oral fluid

    According to the charity Drugscope, “Khat is a stimulant drug with effects similar to amphetamine. Chewing it makes people feel more alert and talkative and suppresses the appetite, though users describe an ensuing calming effect when used over a few hours. Regular use may lead to insomnia (inability to sleep), anorexia and anxiety.

    By : | 10-12-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 922

  • 1790

    Concateno to preview new portable drug testing device at ICADTS

    The device incorporates a number of additional features and benefits, including a new ergonomic design with full colour display screen, faster collection times, and improved sensitivity for THC, allowing lower levels to be detected.

    By : | 09-17-2010 | Society:Society | Total Views : 1790

  • 880 helps youngsters to permanently get rid of their substance abuses

    Educating youngsters through the teachings of God, they can quit their negative habits and find the right path to walk on towards self illumination. Alcoholysis employs effective programs that help these youngsters lead a normal and fulfilling life.

    By : | 09-16-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 880

  • 898

    Child health expert calls for review of testing practice for parental substance misuse

    Dr Payne’s call came following her attendance as a panel member at ‘The Way Forward for Child Protection’, a seminar organised by the Westminster Education Forum and sponsored by Concateno, Europe’s most experienced drug and alcohol testing provider.

    By : | 08-10-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 898

  • 1168

    Get the fiery taste of Absinthe, completely alcohol-free

    The taste of Absinthe, the favourite of the old masters, is now available for carbonated water. Aromhuset has developed a spicy Absinthe taste that is easy to administer either direct from the bottle or by pipette. Gert Strand believes that Absinthe, with its mature flavour and slightly bitter undertone, is an interesting flavour for those with more developed tastes.

    By : | 07-26-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1168